1. Ballroom and Latin Social Classes

Ballroom and Latin Dance Classes

At Dance2gether we offer Ballroom and Latin Dance classes to every age group and gender. Young or old, solo or in a couple, traditional or same sex, we all come together for the love of learning to dance, and for everyone to enjoy the experience.

Having fun is essential and once you’ve been attending for a while, you will feel the sense of community within our classes.

We start your dance journey from the very beginning with our Tuesday Beginner class, followed by the Next Steps class.. and if that isn’t enough, you can then add into the Monday classes, developing your ability until you are confident, happy social dancers.

Private tuition is on offer also, to give you a more specific learning experience, or help you feel confident enough to join our classes.


Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers showed us all how to do it, and within a short time of joining us,  you should be able to dance around the floor to the Waltz, Quickstep and even more!

One Ballroom or Latin dance is taught for 4 weeks and with repetition it quickly becomes second nature. You will be amazed how much you can learn in such a short space of time. The next dance is then taught for the following month.

Classes run weekly on Mondays with a capacity of up to 50 people so please get in touch to make sure you come along to the correct class for you! Prices are £12.50 pp or £20 pp for both classes. 

Next Steps.    8-8.45pm

Improvers   9-9.45pm

Chaulden Community Center, Long Chaulden, Hemel Hempstead HP1 2HX

Click for Map

We started our new Beginner class in  January 2024. Come along and enjoy learning to dance in a safe and professional environment. Solos and couples welcome, and even those with two left feet!

The cost is £12.50 pp for the class.

New Beginners & Next Steps Class

8 – 9pm

 Our previous beginners are also welcome to come in and join for the Next Steps aspect of the class. For those who have a basic knowledge of steps in Waltz, Quickstep, Cha Cha and Rumba, and now we are looking to grogess those rhythms and introduce new ones, along with navigating around the floor for some floor craft!  Solos and couples welcome.

Chaulden Community Center, Long Chaulden, Hemel Hempstead HP1 2HX

Click for map


Everyone can benefit their dancing by practise, and we wanted to bring the opportunity for all our pupils to be able to practise what they learn in class onto the social dance floor. Our practise will be introduced this term again, for a whole evening. 

Our party nights are really fun and enjoyable, you can enjoy the evening with friends, while dancing the night away, and you may even make some new ones too!

Keep an eye out for updates and information 


Our practise sessions are monthly to enable and support your learning in class. Please do come along and use the time, in a safe environement with help on hand!

More info to follow.



Party Nights

We are hoping to re-introduce these fun evenings this year with our Summer Party in June/July. Keep your eyes peeled for further information and to purchase tickets!

Adult Class timetable 2025
Monday classes Samba & Foxtrot
Tuesday Cha Cha classes