1. Calendar & Results

Competition Calender 


Competition Calender for 2025

January 19th                Bedworth  Area Competition

February 23rd             Gosport  Area Competition

May 4th.                       W.London Area Competition

July 6th                         Gillingham Area Competition

August 10th.                Gillingham Area Competition

September 7th.           Cambridge Area Competition

November 1st/2nd     Grand Finals, Winter Gardens, Blackpool


Grand Finals November 2024

An exciting weekend was had by all, and I couldn’t be more proud of the children and how they danced. This weekend is for all the finalists throughout the year who have qualified to dance, so getting to Blackpool is an achievement in itself. 

To dance in such a historic building that is home to the most prestigious Ballroom and Latin Championships for many years, is an honour, and I think the children could feel how special it is to dance there.. there is no other feeling like it.

We danced our hearts out, and tried our best to remember everything we have learned over the year, and even if the results weren’t what we hoped for, every year there is improvement. 

For leaders and followers there are different expectations, and as long as there is improvement, then we can ask for more… lots to do for 2025, but also lots to celebrate for now! .. Well done kids.. I couldn’t ask for more. 




Fleet Medallist competition

Cambridge Competition 8th September 2024

 After the long summer break, and the majority of the children away, our first competition back came around quickly and those competition nerves returned!

All the children danced well, with some great results and some new qualifiers for the Blackpool Grand Finals.

The boys again were dancing against their contemporaries, and the progress was clear to see. Exciting times for them all. 

We also had a few couples dancing together again, which is lovely to see and it helps them all learn more about their own dancing and the need to keep their shape and think individually.

It was a great day back on the dance floor!


Fleet Medallist competition

Fleet Competition 5th May 2024

Some first time competing nerves here, but again all the children are progressing and developing every time we get out on the dance floor. 

We also had some big wins from the boys!

Going forward the boys now have their very own competition, not having to compete against the girls, and this level playing field has given them such a boost!

8 Finals between all the kids, and a very happy teacher for all participants.

Joshua in his first competition won his Ballroom and came second in his Latin, with William winning both his sections! 

The girls fought hard for their places, with often multiple rounds, but again progress each time. 

Juniors were straight finals which meant less dancing, but we will take the final and look forward to more hard work on the dancefloor! Bravo all! 

Fleet Medallist competition

Gillingham 24th March 2024

The first of our competitions that we attended this year, all the nerves were piqued and all felt a little out of practise, but they didn’t let themselves down.

We had a couple of newbies, joining the squad this time, and they danced their very first competition, with Evie achieving the final and coming 4th! A great start!

Michael achieved a great placement in the Junior section, with tough competition, and even won the Junior couples section too, with no practise!

Everyone took the experience in their stride, and I couldn’t be happier. 

With one other child watching, to then take to the floor next time, it looks like it’s going to be a fun year ahead! 


Gillingham Medallist Competition 2024

Blackpool Grand Final 2023

Our first Blackpool for all of the children, and I couldn’t be more proud. For many of us, it was our first return to the hallowed floor since Covid, and the first for the children to feel the silky dance floor underneath and what a professional floor feels like.. I do get a little excited about floors!

Having only competed a few times this year, Blackpool is a big step up, and I wanted to remind the children, that everyone competing here, are already finalists in the regional competitions. 

All of the children had recalls, some a few times over, and a few were finalists! 

Chloe Junior Ballroom 5th

Annie Junior Latin 3rd

Lots to learn going forward, lots to improve on and many memories made… onwards and upwards!

Blackpool 2023

ISTD Area Competition Berkhamstead October 2023

 A new and local venue for us, as the lovely Ashlyns School! A new and lovely floor to dance on, a couple fo fun competitions for even the parents to join in, and I think some of the children were suitably impressed by their mums and dads capabilities ! Yay! 

All good for competition practise, one of the crew came along to watch for the first time in preparation for starting next year, and fun was had by all.. we even had the juniors giving it a go in the couples section! 






Berkhamstead Comp

Gillingham Area Competition July & August 2023


The Summer months brings slightly quieter competitions, so another two events to practise in this arena, and get used to the nerves and the pressure..

As always, the kids danced well.. each event we can see the improvement and it all adds to the day of dancing. August was a competition with just the boys, and I couldnt have been prouder.. one winning both his categories and getting that much wanted Blackpool qualification under his belt. Fantastic! 

As always its a great bonus to win, but equally important to learn from each opportunity, and grow in confidence.. we can really see that happening. 

A local event next, which is unusual and exciting and then the big weekend in Blackpool awaits!



Gillingham Area Competitions

Fleet Area Competition May 2023

Everyone came today with excitement, a few nerves, but with the overall feeling of enjoyment and to get used to competing.

Competition can make things happen that never happen in practise, make us aware of where we need to work harder, or just give us the belief that we can do it, and it feels great afterwards!

Some firsts for us, our youngest qualifying for Blackpool, our newest competitor winning her category, and a few taking the opportunity to dance with their friends in the couples events, just for the experience. I love that, and it makes us all better dancers in the long run!

Well done kids.. another competition under our belts, boxes ticked and more pride from your teachers.. we really couldn’t ask for more (well maybe the odd pointed toe!)


Fleet May 2023

Grays Area Competition 2023

Back at Grays for some, and a first for others.

There was a great atmosphere, and the kids danced really well again.

We had 8 children participating, with 2 newbies qualifying for Blackpool, and another competition experience under our belts.

Again we couldnt be more proud of our youngsters, its a big step for all to compete and its a pleasure to watch them make memories and create new bonds with their friends.

Grays April23 Competition

Fleet Area Competition 2023

Another first for some of our kids attending the Fleet Area Blackpool Qualifier competition. 

The day was busy! For me it was the busiest since pre-Covid times, and again the children took it in their strides.

We had 3 of our boys attending, and one girl, all managed the get recalls in the busiest sections of the competition, and our two juniors were finalists, qualifying to dance at Blackpool in November.. truly amazing..and super proud teachers and parents all round.

Jubilee Dance Competition 2022

This was our kids first ever competition with children ranging from 5yrs – 15yrs. None had ever competed before, and most have only been dancing with us in the last few years over Covid, and as teachers we couldn’t be more proud.

Competing is way more than just the results. It’s learning how to deal with pressure, timings, waiting for others, supporting other dancers, having strangers watch, not being familiar with surroundings or the music, nerves that arent usually felt, etc etc. .. the list goes on, and the children were amazing. I couldn’t be more proud!

As you can see medals and trophies were won, but more importantly experience was gained and on the feedback from the children in class, they all enjoyed it and want to do it again, so it looks like the 2023 calender will be full!